Social-haptic communication is a system of on-body tactile messaging. Note that all these haptices can be applied on the negotiated safe areas of the body e.g., upper arm, back or hand.
The following images show the set of haptices. Scroll left and right in the main image section or find the haptice in the full list below and click to have display in the main image display.
With thanks to artist Cathy Weiszmann.
Yes: Closed fist moving in a nodding motion up and down
Uneven sufrace: Fingertips on upper hand moving up and down randomly to indicate uneven surface.
‘I am here’: the communicator touching the person with DSI on the shoulder.
Shock and Yawn: the communicator starts with all fingertips together on the upper arm then drags them open. This is like an open mouth in shock or awe.
Sad: an upside-down smile is drawn
Blood pressure check (and also observations): Use hand to form a ‘cuff’ around the upper arm (in the manner of a blood pressure cuff) and squeeze gently.
No: Closed fist moving in a shaking motion left-right-left-right
Tablets to take: the communicator uses thumb and forefinger to make a pecking motion on the palm of the person with DSI’s hand. This simulates the picking up of pills or tablets and swallowing them.
Maybe: closed fist with only thumb and little finger extended. This can be done in space, on a shoulder, arm or hand
Leaving: the communicator makes a claw handshape on the upper arm of the person with DSI that moves inwards as in a pinching motion and then away from the body means I am leaving
Leaving the space: the communicator can use the flat hand moving (stroking) cross the person’s back moving to the direction of leaving
Laughing: by using the hand as though it is clutching a ball moving on and off the upper arm of the person with DSI signifies laughter.
Happy smile: drawing a smile on the upper arm of the person with DSI.
Injection: lightly grasp/pinch with thumb and index finger the webbing between the person’s thumb and forefinger. Then move finger to the part of the body where the needle will go
Are you ok?: 1. Thumbs up and grab the thumb or 2. Smiling emotion haptice on the upper arm with a question mark drawn on the upper arm. You can also just draw a question mark on the upper arm
Question or unsure: draw a question mark on the upper arm
Pain and where on the body: Claw handshape on the part of the body. A doctor might press a clawed hand on the abdomen and then draw a question mark on the upper arm. This would signify asking: do you have pain here?
Escalator: Make a chopping motion on the arm or hand followed by moving the hand/arm downwards or upwards to the indicated direction of travel.
Emergency: Draw a large “X” on the person’s back using the palm or blade of the hand or finger. This means: there is an emergency come with me immediately and I will explain later.
Tears/Crying: using a fingertip to mark out the tracks of tears falling on the upper arm
Doctor/nurse: Use the fingertip of the index finger and draw a medical cross on the upper arm or hand.