Author: Sean
Seeing things that aren’t there
Last week Annmaree and Suzie travelled to Newcastle to talk on “seeing things that aren’t there” or visual hallucinations, often called Charles Bonnet syndrome. “Seeing things that aren’t there”, that no one else can see and that are called visual hallucinations. “Seeing things that aren’t there” is very common in people with problems seeing well.…
Being Included in Museum Visits
Travelling can be a complicated experience when you have combined hearing loss and low vision. In particular, going to galleries, museums and exhibitions can often be an excluding experience: not enough accessible information, few visual descriptions, scarce large print materials and frequently, noisy, crowded surrounds. Sometimes I trail behind my husband feeling bored. Sometimes I…
Moira in Singapore
I’m in Singapore for two weeks as part of a long standing program between Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) and Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney. The Bachelor of Nursing (BN) (post-Registration) is taught by academics from Sydney Nursing School and designed for Registered Nurses who want to extend their clinical practice and progress as…
Occupational Therapy Students Lecture
We sometimes fail to realise that teaching is a gift given and one that is received too. As part of the Master of Occupational Therapy Course, Annmaree, Suzanne and Susannah went to give a lecture on dual sensory impairment using lived experience, research and verbatim testimony. We covered key issues: Annmaree’s journey with deafness and…
Book Launch
Links to books: An invisible epidemic?: Knowing what is going on: