International Book Launch

Cover of book with older person image

Lived Places Publishing has recently released Dual Sensory Impairment and the Older Person on their website.

Older people with combined hearing loss and low vision, also known as dual sensory impairment living in residential aged care facilities are a forgotten group. Hearing loss, vision loss, loneliness and a rapidly ageing population are global concerns. But older people with dual sensory impairment are left behind by policy absences and low levels of knowledge and skills in professionals and practitioners charged with their care. 

So how do we sow the seeds of awareness in residential aged care facilities when there is limited funding? How do we make a difference in those most hidden spaces? We wrote a book: Dual Sensory Impairment and the Older Person: An Invisible Epidemic? But writing the book is not enough. The book can’t walk into the care facilities on its own. So we came up with the pay-it-forward scheme where members of the community can donate a book that we send to a care facility. 

In Australia, there are 2700 such places, oubliettes with at least one to two thirds of residents living with sensory losses. So book by book, facility by facility, we are getting a resource where it is most needed. And maybe no one will read it at once, but maybe a carer will pick up the book from a shelf in the office and find some useful information and strategies and supports that foster greater awareness of some care and communication needs of their residents. If you want to pay it forward and donate a book or two to a residential aged care facility, go here: [click “Gift this Book”].

LInk to book launch and details at Lived Places Publishing